How to useΒΆ

Examples how to use:

from sshcon.main import SshCon

hostname = "myserver"
ssh_user = "myuser"
ssh_key = "/home/user/.ssh/mykey"
ssh = SshConn(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key)

# Run command and save output to the variable
ls =["ls", "-latr", path("/mnt"], capture_output=True, check=True).stdout

# Mount directory
ssh.mount(source="storage:/data", "/mnt", force=True, mkdir=True)

# Remove files
ssh.remove("/my/folder/*.tar", force=True)

# Read text
text = ssh.read_text("/folder/text.txt")

# Write text
ssh.write_text("Hey!", "/folder/text.txt")

# Check if file
if ssh.isfile("/my/file):
    print("It's a file!")